in How To Breed Cockroaches by

How to Prevent Cockroach Death by Maintaining Humidity

Cockroaches may be able to withstand a nuclear holocaust, but their Achilles heel when it comes to breeding is water and humidity. Lets learn why….

Cockroach Anatomy DiagramMost cockroaches are livebearers and have their eggs located outside of the mother’s body (oviparous)”. The eggs are carried in an egg sac (ootheca), which are attached to her abdomen. Often the eggs are hidden or dropped just before they hatch. It is important that this egg sac remain moist otherwise the eggs will not develop properly. If low humidity conditions persist for long periods the productivity of the colony will reduce or stop breeding. Some species continue to carry the hatching eggs and care for their young after they are born. A photo of the anatomy of a cockroach is to the left.

Newly hatched roaches, are known as nymphs. When born their exoskeleton has not hardened and is white in color. At this stage they are also prone to dehydration which can result in death. Shortly after birth the exoskeleton hardens and they resemble small, wingless adult roaches. Nymphs undergo a number of molts before becoming adults. The period between each molt is known as an instar. Each instar results in the cockroach becoming more adult like. Some species live for a few months, others live for more than 2 years.

For more information on how to breed and make a cockroach colony, click here to get your free 9 lesson “Cockroach Breeding Training Course” today. This guide has lots of useful information and covers; how to build a cricket system, biology, container design, feeding, gut loading, heating, pest management and lots more…



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